Polaris Energy Group

Hourly clean energy matching

Hourly matching of your energy consumption back to its generation source, throughout every day and year

This ensures that the electricity that your organisation purchased was generated during the same hour that it was consumed

What problem does this solve?

Currently, organisations can match their electricity consumption back against their clean energy generation sources using Rego certificates, satisfying current zero carbon emission reporting requirements.

However, there is no time match, so winter overnight electricity could be matched with solar produced during the day the previous summer

This distorts the price signals encouraging over investment in solar farms and over supply of solar electricity which may not be used.

It also results in under-investment in storage technologies. Batteries could otherwise be installed to buy cheap solar during the day for storage and then discharge in the evening peak when demand is high and the wind isn't blowing.

Energy Tag certificates solution:

Energy Tag certificates are like Regos but are time stamped based on when each kWh is produced

These can be bought in the market to prove that your organisation is consuming real clean energy.

Consumer pioneers include Google, Microsoft, UBS, Vatenfall and University of New South Wales.